Friday, January 05, 2007

No Love Like Dog Love II

No Love Like Dog Love

This post goes out to Ree and Morey - and all the dog lovers :)

I "found" this picture on the memory stick of our camcorder, which is need of service and therefore rarely used anymore. I used my photo program to edit it with an oil painting effect and think it captures the moment/memory even better than the original.

It's so Butter & Cream! Taking a rest in their favorite spot (front drive),
with their favorite person.

Alas, they're no longer here in the physical ... but will always be loved and remembered fondly.

Nov 2006
Homestead Races

Spent little time in the bleachers this year. Got my "drinking buddy" back (Mya was born Oct 5) and we spent most our time mingling with the masses and watching the race on the mega-tron down at the chickee bar :)

One of Americas finest

ZZ Top Look-alikes ... or are they?

This just in ... Elvis is a Tony Stewart Fan!