My Nana's neighbor held an age old grudge against the Oak Tree at the end of her driveway. The shade prevented his lawn from growing all the way in, he hated the leaves, it was just "too big" (he is obsessed with his yard). He nagged for years about how it should be cut down and actually went as far as sending tree cutters to her house, under the impression she had an interest in having it removed.
Then, seemingly overnight, the Oak Tree just up and died. It was discovered that the neighbor had "accidentally" killed it attempting to kill the poison ivy growing on it. We're talking about a huge tree, well beyond 30 years old; point being, it couldn't have been killed by even a moderate dose of round-up (this was a conentrated effort).
He thought for certain this would result in it being cut down, but Nana still refused. For several years! She said he deserved a nice long look at what he'd done and referred to it as the "Spite Tree". Eventually it did have to come down, as it had become a danger.
She immediately had a new Oak Tree planted in it's place. I'm calling it the Perseverance Tree.