Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We're going to the races in Bristol, TN!

Airfare, transportation, hotel, race tickets, pit-passes and VIP tents. The whole enchilada and it's free to boot. Awesome!

Mom's going to stay at the house with the girls for the weekend. It would be way too much work controlling them around Lily (mom's way-cool bunny) all weekend. During their last/second visit to Mom's, they played greyhound with her! That's going to be a difficult barrier to break (the were bred as ratters). Lily's going to have to break out a can of bad-bunny while they're still young. Sugar's gained the respect of the brood and now that she's been feeling really well (allergy under control... fingers crossed), she's actually played with each of them several times in the last week.

Anyhow, I've warned Mom that she'll have her hands full. That constant motion of Kahlua's that I/we missed? It's baaaaaaack x2 Good thing they've got adorable on their side ;) I just hope they're not cry babies the whole weekend. But Mom's up for it. She asked me to "blog" about them to her so she'd have personality insights. Great idea (and what I should be working on now)!

They've fallen asleep again. Time to wake them up, take a walk, grab my sub and work on Mom's blog a bit more, then it's off to bed... with a prayer that I've worn them out sufficiently for them to sleep through the night :)

Gotta remember to tell Mom to bring her earplugs!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Trouble and then some.

They're so much like the little girl with the curl, "And when she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid!" Of course they're not horrid, but they are most definately little hellions, lol.

Mawee's post on "A Dog Named Pooh" cracked us up (see Not Really in my links). In response, I'll digress, just briefly, to potty-talk. In the days of Kahlua, Cream & Buttercup, clean up could be a daunting task. Nowadays, not so daunting. A small amount of tp and a bleach wipe can address any situation. On the "Circus Elephant" front, my vote goes to R&R, with their two Great Danes; can we say "front-end loader?"

On raising two min pins ... we're amazed at the difference between small breed puppies to large. At 8 weeks old they were already agile, alert and extremely inquisitive. They seem to pick-up on things rather quickly (whether or not they choose to comply is another story.)

During the excitement of feeding, they began dancing around on their hind legs. I rewarded them with treats... Dance = Treats ... now they do it any time you have a treat. Tangaray wins for style and grace, pirouetting beautifully. Taquila's a mexican jumping bean. Arrribaa! Arrrribaa!
And they call it, Puppy looove....